Thursday, May 7, 2009

Back to Blogging

Well, I took a much too long break from my blog and then I felt guilty about not having blogged and then that made me want to not blog even more. It became a vicious cycle, but here I am. I'm back and blogging again. This time I won't stop.

My hiatus from my blog got me thinking about all the others who have started blogs with hopes of creating a following and then just sort of well... you know.

I decided that I must get back to blogging. I can't just have this thing out there that no one is reading. I must also not feel that blogging is a chore. My blog is an opportunity to start a conversation. To discuss social media, marketing and communications for businesses. I don't know everything, but my experience and that I my readers will help many. Even if I don't have the answer perhaps someone else will, or better yet, a comment will get me or a reader thinking about things differently and that will ultimately lead to the answer.

The bottom line is that a blog is a living breathing thing. My blog is a place that I must nurture and grow. I can't forget about it, or like every plant I've ever owned, it will live a short life followed by endless days sitting dried and withered out there on the Internet.

So, I'm back to writing. My hiatus has made me realize that with a blog, like most things, you just have to get back to it and know that with persistence and patients good things will come!

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